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How can I lose weight fast and feel good?

How can I lose weight fast and feel good?


Weight loss is a common, even necessary, goal for many people. Many of us want to lose weight in order to improve our health and appearance. But how can you get started with this journey?

Get a handle on your sleep habits

Sleep is important for your health, weight loss and general well-being. A lack of sleep can lead to weight gain, poor decision making and moodiness. It’s not just about getting enough rest; it’s also about how you feel when you sleep that affects your ability to lose weight. Your body needs a certain amount of time each day for REM (rapid eye movement) stage sleep—the deep stages where dreaming takes place and where most of our muscles are relaxed—for good health and optimal performance during the day.

If you struggle with insomnia or experience insomnia symptoms like difficulty falling asleep or waking up at night, try these tips:

  • Get more sunlight during the day (ideally between 10am-6pm). This will help increase melatonin production which promotes relaxation while decreasing cortisol levels in the bloodstream which increases appetite by stimulating hunger hormones such as ghrelin

Consider a dietitian

A dietitian can help you set up a plan that works for you. They'll help you with meal planning and grocery shopping, as well as cooking. They'll also be able to help with portion control and exercise—and it's important to know how much weight loss is realistic for your goals before starting any new diet or exercise regimen.

A good dietitian will have knowledge about nutrition, metabolism, psychology (how people eat), body composition (fat versus muscle), physiology (processes involved in digestion), physiology/anatomy of the digestive system and more!

Mind your stress.

The best way to reduce stress is to practice mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of being aware of your thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad, right or wrong. It can be practiced through meditation or yoga, but you don't have to practice it in order for it to work on your body and mind. You can also use apps like Headspace (or another app that helps you learn new things) as a tool for learning how to meditate effectively.

Examples: Headspace offers free guided meditations that teach beginners how to calm themselves down during stressful situations; Mindfulness for Beginners teaches users how they might feel if they were stressed out about their job; Guided Breathing helps people focus their attention on one thing at a time while breathing deeply into their lungs

Eat whole foods, avoid processed foods

Avoid processed foods. Processed foods have been refined, dehydrated, and packaged in a way that separates them from their natural state. The result is that you are consuming more calories than before because you're not getting any nutrients from the food itself.

  • Eat whole foods. Whole grains such as brown rice, quinoa and millet are rich in fiber which helps keep you full longer so you'll eat less overall when compared with those who eat only white rice or pasta for example. A study published in "American Journal Of Clinical Nutrition" found that eating whole grains resulted in fewer calories being consumed per day among people who were overweight or obese (1). They also had lower levels of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) as well as higher HDL cholesterol (good cholesterol). This means they were at risk for heart disease but eating whole grains helped prevent this from happening!

One of my favorite ways to add fiber into my diet is by using 100% pure cocoa powder instead of regular chocolate bars; it’s high-fiber content makes me feel fuller longer without adding extra weight since most brands contain added sugar anyway 😉

Try high-intensity interval training

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a great way to lose weight and improve your health. It's also one of the most effective ways to do it!

HIIT is a simple concept: you alternate between periods of high intensity exercise (like running fast or doing jumping jacks) with periods of lower intensity exercise (like walking). The goal is for you to work hard enough during the high-intensity periods that it burns calories but not so much that you feel like quitting because it hurts too much.

There are many ways to do HIIT at home: try walking outdoors on an incline for 10 minutes; run up stairs instead of taking the elevator; bike outside for 15 minutes at top speed; take a spin class at your gym; go out for ice cream after dinner instead of watching TV together as a family--the possibilities are endless!

Cut out added sugars as much as possible

Sugar is an empty calorie. It adds nothing to our diets, and it can't be stored as energy because it's quickly processed by the body into glucose, which is then used for energy or stored as fat.

Sugar also packs a big punch in terms of its health effects: high levels of sugar consumption are linked to digestive disorders such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), heart disease, stroke and type II diabetes—and these conditions are on the rise in America.

But even if you're not suffering from any of these diseases yet (and odds are good that you will someday), there's still cause for concern when it comes to added sugars like table sugar and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Not only do these ingredients contribute their own share of calories; they also trigger reactions in your body that lead them down a path toward obesity without giving any other nutrients value beyond their caloric content

Fad diets and rapid weight loss programs sound good, but the best ways to lose weight are both safe and sustainable.

Fad diets and rapid weight loss programs sound good, but the best ways to lose weight are both safe and sustainable.

Fad Diets: While these may seem like an easy way to shed pounds quickly, they are not sustainable in the long-run. Fads come and go—and while they may help you shed some extra pounds at first, they won't last beyond a few weeks or months before your metabolism will kick back in and start burning off those unwanted pounds once again.

Rapid Weight Loss Programs: While these can be effective short-term solutions for getting rid of excess fat fast (and even permanent methods), they're also associated with serious health risks such as low energy levels due to lack of nutrients or vitamin deficiency which leads to fatigue which could lead up into depression if left untreated long enough.[1]


Losing weight is a lot easier than you might think, especially if you use these seven tips for losing weight fast. You don’t need to spend hours in the gym or starve yourself for days on end—you just need to make some changes in your daily life and incorporate them into a healthy lifestyle that works for you.