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How to Have a Strong Marriage

How to have a strong marriage


A strong marriage is about two people with similar values, who want to make their relationship work. It's also about respecting and listening to each other, being clear about your expectations and needs - and asking for the same in return.

Listen to your partner.

Listening is a skill that can be learned, and it's not just about hearing words. It's about being able to pick up on your partner's body language, tone of voice and needs.

Listening is important in any relationship—but it's especially essential in marriage because you're sharing your lives with someone else every day! When you're married or in an intimate relationship with another person (or someone who has been there in the past), you need to learn how to listen better so that both of you can communicate more effectively.

Be clear about your values, expectations and needs - and ask for the same from your spouse.

  • Be clear about what you want and need

  • Tell your partner what you want and need

  • Be open to your partner's needs, wants and values, as well as their expectations

Don't put your friends and family before your spouse.

We need to spend time with our spouse, family and friends. It's important for you to spend time with them because if you don't, your marriage will suffer.

If you have children or grandchildren that are young enough, it's also important that they see their parents as a couple who loves each other. You may not always be able to make this happen but try your best!

Remember that marriage is a choice - every day.

Remember that marriage is a choice, and you have to choose to make it work. You must also remember that marriage is not an obligation, but rather a commitment. You may not feel like doing any of these things when you're feeling overwhelmed or tired—but if you want your marriage to succeed, then doing them anyway will help keep the relationship strong and healthy over time.

When we don't prioritize our marriages in this way, it can lead us down paths toward divorce and breakups (which I'll talk about later).

Have fun together.

You can have a strong marriage by having fun together. The best way to do this is to go on dates and spend time with each other, which will help you get to know each other better. You should also spend time with your friends or family so that they can see how much of a good husband/wife you are!

You should take time for each other every day

  • Take time to talk.

  • Take time to do things together.

  • Take time to do things for each other.

  • Be with each other, even when you don't feel like it! If you can't find the energy or motivation in yourself, then ask your partner if they're up for a date—even just grabbing lunch together will help your relationship grow stronger over time!


So there you have it, four things to make your marriage stronger. Now we know that it's not always easy to do these things and sometimes we fall short, but if you're committed to making this a priority for both of you then I promise it will pay off.