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The Art of Getting What You Want


The art of getting what you want


The art of getting what you want is a very simple concept. It entails simply setting your mind towards the goal, and then staying focused on it until you achieve it. Sounds easy enough, right? Well, there’s actually more to it than that: Creating a plan will help ensure that your efforts pay off and keep you motivated along the way; staying focused on your goals will keep them in sight; taking action will make sure they happen as fast as possible!

Creating a plan.

Creating a plan is the first step in creating your vision and executing it. When you have a plan, you can determine what steps will be taken to achieve your goal. You can also measure how well you're doing at achieving that goal.

It's important to make sure that whatever actions are taken are realistic and measurable so that they can be tracked over time. This way, if there are any problems along the way (or even if everything goes according to plan), at least people know where they stand and whether or not they've achieved their goals yet!

Staying focused.

Focusing on the end goal is key. You will not get what you want if your mind is focused on the things that are not within your control. It's all about focusing on the things that are within your control, and then trusting in those things to take care of themselves.

For example: If I'm trying to achieve something and my mind says "I can't do it," then my subconscious mind starts working against me instead of for me. In this case, my subconscious mind would tell me "You're not good enough," or "You're too old." You have to counter these negative self-talk attacks with positive ones so that they don't limit or stop you from achieving what you set out for yourself!

Taking action.

It's essential to take action, even if you don't know how.

Don't be afraid of failure; it's part of the process. Don't be afraid to ask for help; everyone needs some help from time to time. And finally, don't be afraid to ask for what you want—the world is full of people who can provide it!

If you know what you want, and set your mind towards it, the rest will follow.

If you want to get what you want, then it's time to start thinking about how. You need to know what your goals are and how they can be achieved.

  • Know what it is that you're trying to achieve and why

  • Be specific in how much of the goal-setting process and effort that is required of each step of the way

  • Visualize yourself being successful with your desired outcome (this will help drive motivation)

  • Know how to get started on taking action towards achieving this goal


If you want something, it’s important to know the art of getting what you want. The key is to focus and stay positive. You can’t let anyone or anything get in the way of your goal!